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Showing posts from March, 2009


Getting acne....Q&A............(part 3 of 5)

I’ve started getting acne spots. How long do they last? This depends on what type of spots they are and, even then, it can be very difficult to predict what will happen. Some spots will appear and then disappear during the course of a day but others will evolve more gradually through the various stages. Comedones can be very persistent if they don’t get inflamed. Mildly inflamed spots will last 5–10 days before settling down, but can leave a flat red mark (macule) for several weeks. Nodules and cysts may last for weeks or months unless you get some treatment. What is the difference between a whitehead and a yellow- head spot? These two common terms describe quite different types of spot. A whitehead is a closed comedone where the pore is blocked and not open to the air. There is no inflammation (redness). A yellow- head suggests a spot with pus in it. The medical term is a ‘pustule’. Whiteheads may become yellowheads if the blocked pore becomes infected. My daughter is only 9 but she seems...

Drugs that can induce acne

Addressing some Aggravating Agents

Understanding Stress and Acne

Decoupling the acne-sex links

Dismissing the Diet — For the Most Part

Debunking Dirt and Grease Theories

Chapter 6 Evaluating Other Causes and Contributors: Myth and Reality

Facing Acne As an Adult Man

You’re never too young for acne

New baby, new bumps: Acne and pregnancy 2

New baby, new bumps: Acne and pregnancy

When the going gets tough

Acne and your menstrual cycle

Emerging at Any Age

Checking under the hood

Identifying Adult-Onset Acne

Chapter 5 Addressing Acne in Adults

Acknowledging the Emotional

Understanding the Causes of Teenage Acne 2

Dousing occasional flare-ups

Understanding the Causes of Teenage Acne

Tracking acne’s footsteps

Taking a look at teen skin

The curious case of the mail-order miracle

Part II Figuring Out Your Acne and How to Tackle It on Your Own

A mountain or a molehill?

Classifying Acne

Scarring: Your skin’s repair kit

It’s Latin to me

Battling bacteria

Forming blackheads and whiteheads

Clogging your pores and narrowing the hair canal

Priming the pump with hormones

Chapter 3 Tracing the Evolution of a Pimple

Giving your skin a drink!

Coping with an oil glut

Dealing with dry skin

Basic Operating Instructions: Taking Care of Your Skin

The skinny on skin

Scratching the surface: Now your dermis is showing!

Chapter 2 Getting Comfortable with the Skin You’re In