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Getting acne....Q&A............(part 3 of 5)

I’ve started getting acne spots. How long do they last? This depends on what type of spots they are and, even then, it can be very difficult to predict what will happen. Some spots will appear and then disappear during the course of a day but others will evolve more gradually through the various stages. Comedones can be very persistent if they don’t get inflamed. Mildly inflamed spots will last 5–10 days before settling down, but can leave a flat red mark (macule) for several weeks. Nodules and cysts may last for weeks or months unless you get some treatment. What is the difference between a whitehead and a yellow- head spot? These two common terms describe quite different types of spot. A whitehead is a closed comedone where the pore is blocked and not open to the air. There is no inflammation (redness). A yellow- head suggests a spot with pus in it. The medical term is a ‘pustule’. Whiteheads may become yellowheads if the blocked pore becomes infected. My daughter is only 9 but she seems...

Lights, camera, acne!

Whether you’re a teenager who is noticing acne for the first time or an adult who antic-
ipated permanently waving goodbye to it forever, you’re in good company. The careers
of Cameron Diaz, P. Diddy, Jessica Simpson, Alicia Keyes, Mike Myers, and Vanessa
Williams have thrived despite their continuing complexion problems with acne.
And think about some of those rugged faces from the silver screen. From the looks
of it, Tommy Lee Jones, Laurence Fishburne, Bill Murray, Edward James Olmos,
James Woods, and the great British actor and movie star Richard Burton (who mar-
ried Elizabeth Taylor, considered to be one of the most beautiful women in the world)
more than likely had pretty wicked acne when they were teenagers.
Of course, heavy makeup, favorable lighting, medications, and experienced der-
matologists have also probably helped them. I won’t be able to supply your own per-
sonal makeup artist or a lighting technician to accompany you to school or work, but
I do provide tons of recommendations on how to use acne-fighting medications and
find a good dermatologist in this book.
You may not aspire to be a movie star. But the names I mention here are just a small
number of the people who have achieved success in an area where looks count
the most. Countless other people exist in all walks of life who went beyond their
acne to become successes in their fields. And so can you.


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