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Getting acne....Q&A............(part 3 of 5)

I’ve started getting acne spots. How long do they last? This depends on what type of spots they are and, even then, it can be very difficult to predict what will happen. Some spots will appear and then disappear during the course of a day but others will evolve more gradually through the various stages. Comedones can be very persistent if they don’t get inflamed. Mildly inflamed spots will last 5–10 days before settling down, but can leave a flat red mark (macule) for several weeks. Nodules and cysts may last for weeks or months unless you get some treatment. What is the difference between a whitehead and a yellow- head spot? These two common terms describe quite different types of spot. A whitehead is a closed comedone where the pore is blocked and not open to the air. There is no inflammation (redness). A yellow- head suggests a spot with pus in it. The medical term is a ‘pustule’. Whiteheads may become yellowheads if the blocked pore becomes infected. My daughter is only 9 but she seems...

“Additional Methods” for resistant acne

Candida Yeast Infection
“Nutrition Method”

I also know that if you are regularly consuming a high concentration of processed food,
you may have to do two or three of these diets over a period of 3-5 months to get the
greatest benefit.

The naturally occurring yeast Candida Albicans in our bodies often enhances our acne
problems. I learned this personally, and it is one of the reasons you can have so many
toxins in the body.

This yeast can get out of control from the very antibiotics dermatologists prescribe!

The antibiotics kill off the beneficial bacteria in your system, acidophilus, which must be
present to keep the yeast down. How many times have antibiotics caused thrush and even
yeast infections?

This is all verified by science - not me. So, by making a few dietary changes (removing
sugar) you can reduce Candida Albicans dramatically and help the apple fast to remain

Remove as much sugar and refined foods from your diet and supplement your
acidophilus with a pill form. These small changes will reap you years of benefits.

Acidophilus can be found at any grocery store or drug store and is very inexpensive. If
you have reactive and resistant acne, this will clear it up.

I have yet to meet one person who after the diets and internal cleansing (followed
correctly), and removing all sugar and taking acidophilus and garlic tablets – did not
completely put their acne in remission and cure it.

This takes a little time and effort but the results can absolutely amaze you. Candida
causes problems by producing toxins that have to be eliminated from your body.

Everybody has some Candida Albicans, but it is when it gets out of control that is when it
causes problems like acne and yeast infections. When you take the antibiotics they kill
every bacterium - beneficial and/or otherwise that keep the Candida under control.

This is why you need the acidophilus, to replenish the good bacteria and the garlic to kill
the yeast off. You WILL get rid of your acne by following these steps.

Again, it is not as speedy but the apple diet has prepared your system for this important


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