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Getting acne....Q&A............(part 3 of 5)

I’ve started getting acne spots. How long do they last? This depends on what type of spots they are and, even then, it can be very difficult to predict what will happen. Some spots will appear and then disappear during the course of a day but others will evolve more gradually through the various stages. Comedones can be very persistent if they don’t get inflamed. Mildly inflamed spots will last 5–10 days before settling down, but can leave a flat red mark (macule) for several weeks. Nodules and cysts may last for weeks or months unless you get some treatment. What is the difference between a whitehead and a yellow- head spot? These two common terms describe quite different types of spot. A whitehead is a closed comedone where the pore is blocked and not open to the air. There is no inflammation (redness). A yellow- head suggests a spot with pus in it. The medical term is a ‘pustule’. Whiteheads may become yellowheads if the blocked pore becomes infected. My daughter is only 9 but she seems...

Get rid of acne at home,how to guide.

Acne is a common problem in adolescents but also often occurs in adults. It is thought to be due to hormonal imbalances, and perhaps faulty diet. It appears as inflamed oil glands, generally on the skin of the face, neck or back, which have become blocked and often infected. The pimples are raised, red and usually pus-filled; blackheads are common. The pimples may or may not be painful.

External treatment of the skin should be as gentle as possible, avoiding harsh antiseptic soaps. Creams and ointments containing antibiotics or the cortisone type of hormones should not be used, since general allergic reactions and permanent damage to the skin can easily occur.
Avoid chocolate, cheese, nuts, soft drinks and junk food. Supplementation with vitamins A and B6, and the mineral zinc, is beneficial. The most suitable remedy given below should be tried for three to six weeks.

Painful pimples with a small area of white pus in the centre.

Eugenia jambosa 6c, every 3-4 hours.

Pustular acne, only on the cheeks and nose.

Ledum 6c, every 3-4 hours.

Oily skin with small pimples and blackheads in adolescents, following mental strain or sexual frustration
Selenium 6c, every 3-4 hours.

Pimples on the forehead and other areas where the skin is thin
Calc pic 6c, every 3-4 hours.

Blind boils and burning stinging acne, mainly on the face, chest and shoulders, in restless, depressed and worried adolescents.

Kali brom 6c, every 3-4 hours.

Lesions contain pus, are of a purplish hue, are hard, painful and often symmetrical.

Arnica 6c, every 3-4 hours.

Pimples that leave a raised scar after healing.
Graphites 6c, every 3-4 hours.

Large numbers of pimples that heal leaving purple-red scars and pits.
Ant tart 6c, every 3-4 hours.

Weeping pustules, forming yellow crusts, that will not heal.
Calc sulph 6x, a tissue salt, every 3-4 hours.

Painful red pustules like small boils, highly sensitive, discharging yellow pus.
Hepar sulph 6c, every 3-4 hours.

Pimples that come to a head but will not discharge, or discharge leaving a scar
Silicea 6x, a tissue salt, every 3-4 hours.

Long-standing acne, with rough hard skin, made worse by washing and heat
Sulphur 6c, every 3-4 hours.


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