In this section, I list some of the activities, exposures, or things done to the skin that have historically been reported to bring on or exacerbate
Acne cosmeticaThis condition is described as a persistent, low-grade type that usually involving the chin and cheeks of women who use cosmetics. Lesions that arise primarily as closed comedones as well as papules and pustules. It is often thought to be caused by comedogenic (black-head- and whitehead-producing) substances in the cosmetics. In all likelihood, however, these folks probably have adult-onset a. , and they just happen to use the cosmetics to hide the lesions
— and of course, the cosmetics get the blame for causing it! Because most major cosmetics are noncomedogenic — meaning they don’t cause IT — this type is unlikely to be seen much, if at all, nowadays.
Pomade acneA variant of cosmetic a., known as pomade a. , can occur if greases, like oils, Vaseline, cocoa butter, and hair oils are used to style hair or are applied to the skin. If pomade or hair oil spreads
onto the forehead, it can block pores, causing comedones.IIt is almost exclusively seen in African-Americans and usually appears on the forehead and temples. I discuss this type of
later. Treatment consists of avoiding pomades. If you must continue using a pomade, try applying it to the ends of the hair only to avoid contact with the scalp and hairline.
Sunlight and acne (Mallorca a.)Also called a. estivalis (“estivalis” means summer); this is a rare form that occurs in the summer or following a vacation in the sun. This condition is so rare that I don’t think I’ve seen a case of it.
But I have seen the damaging results that excessive exposure to the sun can have on both healthy skin and skin with teenage and adult-onset
. For more on this issue, see later, which also discusses potentially beneficial types of light therapy for it, and in a coming post.
Acne mechanica
This variation is due to mechanical factors, including friction, sweating, and pressure. It is provoked by such factors as chin straps, bra straps, articles of clothing, orthopedic casts, back-
packs, chairs, and car or bus seats. It is seen at the sites where these items rub and persistently press against the skin, such as under a chin strap or cast. This type
is often simply an aggravation of the existing acne
or an inflammation of hair follicles known as folliculitis.
Acne detergens
This refers to the aggravation of the existing acne
,by too frequent washing with comedogenic soaps and rough cloths and abrasive pads. It certainly can be irritating, but overwashing doesn’t causeit
Dioxins and Agent Orange (chloracne)
Agent Orange, an herbicide, was used during the war in Vietnam.Some veterans reported a variety of health problems and concerns attributed to exposure to this agent, including chloracne.Agent Orange contains dioxins (halogenated aromatic hydrocar-
bons), a group of chemicals known to increase the likelihood of cancer. The first disease associated with dioxins was the extreme skin disease chloracne. It causes acnelike pustules on the body that can and do last for several years and result in significant scarring.It develops a few months after swallowing, inhaling, or touching the responsible agent.Most cases are due to occupational exposure, but it can also arise after accidental environmental poisoning. Deliberate dioxin poisoning is blamed for Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko’s dramatically changed appearance during the “Orange Revolution” in 2004.
next post i will focus on the relation of make up and it is effect
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